Sunday, May 8, 2016

I would have sucked as a bonnet wearing, huge dress swaying, latrine digging, river washing woman.

Top 10 reasons I was not a pilgrim:
1. Electricity
2. Running water
3. Appliances (washer, dryer, fridge, oven, microwave, etc.)
4. Flushing toilets/plumbing
5. Shampoo/ soap/ toothpaste/ toothbrush/ feminine products
6. Shelter
7. Beds/pillows/blankets
8. Jeans and t-shirts
9. Automobiles (however, the pilgrims probably never dealt with traffic)
10. Coca-Cola
Bonus reason: The Crucible (I'm 99.9% positive I would have hung.)
I would have sucked as a bonnet wearing, huge dress swaying, latrine digging, river washing woman.
The sad truth is that there are things on my list that are unknown to so many. I take for granted the fact that I can flip a switch and have light, turn a handle for water, and have food for every meal. I can read. I went to school. I can vote. I can speak out in public. To know that I take so much for granted is something I need to change. 
There are millions of women my age who no nothing of comfort or security. They are abused, tossed aside, and forgotten. This holiday season, my wish is that somehow, someway, I can make a difference.

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