Sunday, July 9, 2017

A year ago . . .

A year ago today, we let go of Mia. I have so many things I want to say, but the quote over the picture of Mia and the one in this post do a good job of summing up a lot of what I'm feeling. I'd be lying if I said this last year has been easy; It has been a bit rough but I'm trying to find and focus on the good. I'm trying to move forward. "Sometimes we make the mistake of equating the depth of our love with the depth of our pain in grief. Folks can convince themselves that if they let go of the grief, they are forgetting and dishonoring the memory of their animal pal and the relationship they had. Our animals are not asking that – they are asking us to move forward, as they have" (Roper, Janet. "The Anniversary Reaction: Grieving Your Pet,." Web log post. N.p., 24 Apr. 2014. Web. 9 July 2017.) I miss you Mia . . . . to the 🌙 and back! from Instagram

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