Thursday, April 4, 2019

I'm about a month late with this post but I'm just gonna roll with it . . . When we caravanned down to LV last month, Beckerman and Carmel were treated to a vacation. My cousin, @whithutchins, and her family took care of 'Beckarmel'! Whitney is my cousin/dog guru/bff/sounding board, etc. She basically tolerated me and my constant fretting over Mia and still tolerates my Beckerman worries. (She also knows way too much about my personal health. I am a constant TMIer when she and I talk.😂) Anyway, she and her cute tribe loved and played with Beck and Carmel. (Do you see how Beckarmel works?) They were loved by Whitney and Hankleberry Finn (love ya @bbn35) and three of the cutest kids on the planet- Novita, the Rock and AO! Thome, the world's greatest hugger, ignored their constant need to compete- (as seen in the photo of them walking and trying to get ahead of one another- and then note how Thome doesn't care). Thank you to the Hutchins clan for loving and caring forour 4-legged family members while we celebrated Owen's special day!. We love you!

from Instagram

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